First released in 1999, this new 2nd edition of Ferns Bruce & Grey has been completely updated and revised with current Species at Risk rankings, updated scientific and common names, a key to identification and two pages of text and photos for most of the fern species that have been recorded in Bruce and Grey counties.
The Niagara Escarpment together with Georgian Bay on one side and Lake Huron on the other make this area unique. The high calcium content of the limestone bedrock and the dolostone escarpment dominates soils and wetlands. Combined, these factors create a variety of habitats suited to the 59 taxa of ferns that have been found in Bruce and Grey. (Ontario has 76 species of ferns.) Of these 50 are distinct species and 9 are hybrids.
Fifty ferns are featured in this book with new updated digital photographs showing each plant in its habitat, a close-up of the sori and an individual frond to aid in field identification. Anecdotal information, as well as a systematic description of the fern and its habitat, accompanied by B&W silhouettes of the fern is included. This book will be a valuable addition to any naturalist’s library.
Cover Photo by Willy Waterton American Hart’s-tongue Fern
Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum
Fern silhouettes by Nels Maher