Downloadable PDFs of our membership documents, last updated July 26, 2024.
Category Archives: Membership – information, forms and online registration
OSFN Who we are!
Freeman Boyd created this for a presentation to the Lions Club in this district.
Membership Application and Renewal Form
Privacy Statement
The OSFN does not collect any information about its members except that which is knowingly and specifically supplied by them. This may include name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address. Any member who wishes to exclude certain pieces of personal information (home address, phone number or e-mail address) not essential to maintaining their membership may choose to do so. Continue reading Privacy Statement
Our Logo
Our logo, designed by well-known Canadian wildlife painter George McLean who lives in Grey County, depicts a Hart’s Tongue Fern, a species that is rare in North America, but very common in our region. Continue reading Our Logo
The Owen Sound Field Naturalists meet on the second Thursday of the month (except during July and August). Continue reading Meetings