Category Archives: Board of Directors

As of June 22nd 2024

Current Board of Directors

President: Brendan Mulroy

Past-President: Pam Kinchen

Co-Vice President: Paul Scriver

Co-Vice President: Bella Waterton

Secretary: Susan Pouget

Treasurer: Warren Steckle

Director: Diane Lawler

Director: Michael Rankin

Director: Kathleen Pierce

Director: Marsha Courtney

Director: Jeannine Kralt / Stewardship Coordinator

Director: Lloyd Lewis / NWN Coordinator

Supporting the Board

Hospitality: Gord and Norah Toth, Audrey Armstrong,

Newsletter & e-Herald: Norah Toth,

Membership: Gord Toth,

Website: Brian Robin,

Programme Committee: John Dickson

Young Naturalists

Amanda Eriksen

Board Liaison

Bruce Peninsula National Park Advisory Committee (PAC): Jan Pugsley & Willy Waterton

Piping Plover Committee: Lynne Richardson

Rankin Resources Group: Beth Anne Currie

Stewardship Grey Bruce: Norah Toth

Ontario Nature Liaison: Audrey Armstrong

Inglis Falls Arboretum Alliance: Lynne Marie Sullivan

Previous Members

List of all Presidents