The Owen Sound Field Naturalists’ e-Herald
OSFN Indoor Program: Thursday, November 20, 2014
(At the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library auditorium @ 7:00 PM)
The fatal light awareness program is a non-profit organization that is governed by a Board of Directors and sustained by a terrific group of volunteers. FLAP was the first organization in the world to raise concerns about bird collisions with buildings in urban areas. Since 1993, FLAP volunteers have picked up tens of thousands of birds off city sidewalks.
Reminder for OSFN Outdoor Program for November 2014:
Sunday, November 16, 2014
“Waterfowl Around the Bay” with Fred Jazvac
Time: 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Limit: 12 participants
Register: Fred Jazvac @ (519) 797-3332
Reminder for OSFN Outdoor Program for December 2014:
December 2014
“Christmas Bird Counts”
Watch the Hart’s Tongue Herald and e-Herald for the dates and count contacts for Christmas Bird Counts in Owen Sound, Meaford, Saugeen Shores, and Wiarton.
Reminder for OSFN Indoor program December 11, 2014:
“MEMBERS’ NIGHT with Bob Rice
A potpourri of OSFN members’ slides, displays, art, collections and compositions focusing on the natural world. A limit of 10 slides and 10 minutes of presentation time is preferred.
Please register your presentation with Bob Rice at and/or (519) 477-1728 as soon as possible.
The club relies on memberships and donations at the door and at the hospitality table, allowing us to bring in quality speakers and to support club initiatives such as the Hart’s Tongue Herald & Young Naturalists.
You may join or renew your OSFN membership at the meeting, by mail or
on-line from the website using Pay Pal. Thank you for your membership.
Membership runs from September to June.
*** Please remember to bring your coffee cups to meetings***