December 2014 e-Herald

The Owen Sound Field Naturalists’ e-Herald
OSFN Indoor Program: Thursday, December 11, 2014
(At the Owen Sound & North Grey Union Public Library auditorium, 7:00 PM)
Back by Popular Demand – OSFN is adding a Silent Auction component to our Members’ Night, this Thursday, December 11.

If you wish to bring some(s) item to have auctioned off, with the proceeds going to the club please do the following:

1.) Email a message to John Dickson, indicating what item(s) you would like to bring, and if applicable an approximate value. He will have an auction sheet ready for when you arrive.

2.) Please arrive a little earlier– by 6:40PM or earlier,  so that your items can be placed on a table for the auction, and so that interested bidders can have a look before the meeting gets started.

Already on offer are Five Lovely Figurines of porcelain and of crystal, depicting various birds and a whale.

We look forward to hearing what you would like to bring.

See you there!

MEMBERS’ NIGHT” with Bob Rice
A potpourri of OSFN members’ slides, displays, art, collections and compositions focusing on the natural world. A limit of 10 slides and 10 minutes of presentation time is preferred for this December 11, 2014 event.
So far to date we five (5) presenters confirmed:
Aurora Borealis” with John Hlynialuk
“Wadi Rum in Jordan – Rock Formations” with Bob Knapp
“Youth Summit” with Molly Postings
“Reptiles and Amphibians” with Ryan Lauzon
“Giant Silk Moths of the Bruce” with Chris Rickard
“Other presenters” to be announced.
Please register your presentation with Bob Rice at and/or (519) 477-1728 as soon as possible.
Reminder for OSFN Outdoor Program for December 2014:
December 2014: Christmas Bird Counts
Area counts for Grey Bruce are as follows:
Sun., Dec. 14/14: WiartonLynda Steinacke
Wed., Dec. 17/14: KincardineJames Turland
Wed., Dec. 17/14: Bruce Peninsula National ParkRod Steinacker
Sat., Dec. 20/14: Hanover-WalkertonGerard McNaughton
Sat., Dec. 20/14: Owen SoundFreeman Boyd
Sun., Dec. 28/14: Meaford Lynne Richardson
Fri., Jan. 2/15: Saugeen ShoresNorah Toth
Reminder for OSFN Indoor program January 8, 2014:
“GEOPARKS” with Darryl Cowell
Local esteemed geologist Darryl Cowell will present the concept and nature of UNESCO “Geoparks” and the potential formal designation of portions of the Niagara Escarpment as a Geopark. The Cabot Head area on the northern Bruce Peninsula has been identified as a candidate for designation. Darryl will update attendees on the current status of the designation process.
Check a New Nature Link on OSFN website: “Niagara Falls Nature Club”:
The club relies on memberships and donations at the door and at the hospitality table, allowing us to bring in quality speakers and to support club initiatives such as the Hart’s Tongue Herald & Young Naturalists.
OSFN would like to politely remind some of our currents members that your membership renewals are due.
You may join or renew your OSFN membership at any of our indoor meetings: Membership Category:     Single ($25)           Family ($40)          Student ($15)
For your ease and ours, pay on-line using our PayPal option at .
Mail cheque to:
Owen Sound Field Naturalists, P.O. Box 401, Owen Sound, ON N4K 5P7
OSFN would like to thank you in advance if you have renewed your membership or have recently joined our organization!
*** Please remember to bring your coffee cups to meetings***