Dave Fidler: Life Member

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From the very dawn of the OSFN Dave has been involved. He was on the first Board of Directors. He served as Vice-President, President and Past President from 1993 to1998.
Tuesday Evening Birding at the Fidlers was a highlight of May and June for many years.
Dave led many outings. Eagles at Baie du Dore, Around the Sound and many many more.
Dave did a lot of presentations at the meetings. His Antarctic trip was a real highlight.

The club’s many projects always had Dave involved. The Oliphant Fen Boardwalk, Baie du Dore viewing tower, the Peregrine Hacking Project, the McNab Lake Osprey Nest platform. Dave and Barb are ongoing OSFN stewards of the Davis Property/ Nature Conservancy Canada Preserve on the Bruce Peninsula.

Dave represented the OSFN on the committees for the Grey County Official Plan, Ontario Areas of Natural and Scientific Interest, Grey County/Grey Sauble Forest Management Plans.
For many years he served as the Compiler of the Owen Sound Christmas Bird Count.
He is Chair of the Grey-Bruce Bird Records Committee.

For several years Dave sold bird seed and Bird feeders that he made at the Owen Sound Market. Dave named his enterprise: “Birds are Us” and they still are.

As a professional birder Dave has done surveys from the high Arctic of Canada to Canadian Forces Base Meaford.

Dave was presented with his Honourary Life Membership by OSFN President John Dickson at the June 2015 AGM.

Dave Tannahill