A Checklist of Vascular Plants for Bruce & Grey Counties

This is the definitive checklist of vascular plants for Bruce and Grey counties listing 1447 taxa (species, subspecies and hybrids) for 136 families, including 72 provincially rare. It is the only publication identifying all locally rare plants in Bruce and Grey counties, as well as provincially rare.

The two counties have been divided into three zones: Bruce Peninsula(p), Southern Bruce(b), and Grey County(g). Species presence in those zones is noted by the letters pbg in a superscript. Upper case PBG indicates very uncommon, and bolded upper case PBG indicates local rarity. Marginal symbols indicate the following categories: naturalized – non- native in Ontario; naturalized but native in Ontario; cultivation escapes; provincially rare in Ontario (NHIC); historical record.

This is an essential reference for botanists, life science inventory specialists, land use planners, resource management agencies, and consultants that are working on projects within Bruce and Grey counties.


A revision & reprint is scheduled for 2023.

Donations are always appreciated!

Author: Owen Sound Field Naturalists