Two days ago one of the rare and endangered Piping Plover chicks was predated by a Merlin. This chick was from the south nest which bred 4 chicks this year. This is the second chick that has been lost to a Merlin from an original total of 9 hatchlings this year.
The remaining 7 chicks are doing well and all are at various stages of flying. The oldest chick from the middle nest is flying from the dunes to the water and may be leaving Sauble Beach very soon heading to the Gulf of Mexico where it will spend the winter. The other remaining chicks are in different stages of flight. The 3 from the south nest are flying short distances while the 3 from the north nest, the youngest of the fledglings are trying to fly.
In about 2 weeks time all should be flying with control and at that time, the need for volunteers may be reduced since they will become hard to keep track as they explore the area. Shortly after that they will all of left for the south.