The BBC outing focussed on the Wiarton area.
Locations visited:
- Isaac lake
- Sky Lake
- Oliphant
- Boat Lake
- Wiarton
- Shallow Lake Wetlands
- en Route
Conditions: Sunny, warm. High of 20C.
Species and where seen:
- Double-crested Cormorant # 3
- Great Egret # 1, 2, 6
- Great Blue Heron # 1, 6, 7
- Green Heron # 1, 3, 6
- Canada Goose # 1, 2, 5, 6, 7,
- Mute Swan # 6
- Wood Duck # 1, 2, 6
- Mallard # 1, 2, 3, 5, 6
- American Black Duck # 1
- Blue-winged Teal # 1, 5
- Black Duck # 5
- Northern Shoveller # 5
- Lesser Scaup # 5
- Hooded Merganser # 1
- Common Merganser # 5
- Wild Turkey #7
- Common Moorhen # 6
- American Bittern # 1
- Sandhill Crane #1, 7
- Killdeer # 6
- Greater Yellowlegs # 3
- Lesser Yellowlegs # 3
- Pectoral sandpiper # 3
- Turkey Vulture # 1, 2, 5, 6, 7
- Merlin # 1
- Red-tailed Hawk # 1
- American Kestrel # 1
- Ring-billed Gull # 3, 5, 7
- Herring Gull # 3, 5
- Boneparte’s Gull # 5
- Rock Pigeon # 7
- Mourning Dove # 1, 3, 7
- Ruby-throated Hummingbird # 1
- Barn Swallow # 1
- American Tree Swallow # 1
- Belted Kingfisher # 6
- Blue Jay # 1, 2, 3, 7
- Northern Flicker # 1
- American Crow # 1, 7
- Raven # 1
- Eastern Phoebe # 6
- House Wren # 1
- Brown Creeper # 1
- Black-capped Chickadee # 1, 3
- European Starling # 1, 5, 7
- Gray Catbird # 1
- American Redstart # 1
- American Robin # 1
- Cedar Waxwing # 1, 5, 6
- Chipping Sparrow # 1
- Song Sparrow # 1
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak # 1
- Red-winged Blackbird # 1, 5
- Common Grackle # 1, 3
- Baltimore Oriole # 1
- American Goldfinch # 1
- Flycatcher species
Number of species seen – 57