The Bruce Birding Club focused on warblers on this beautiful sunny warm spring day. By the end of the day 18 species were seen with most of them found at the Kincardine Sewage Lagoons area. This is not surprising since the lagoons are A.K.A as Pelee North. Some of the highlights were Canada, Wilson’s, Tennessee and Mourning Warbler. We finished at MacGregor Provincial Park at the Ducks Unlimited Ponds with our day’s total sitting at 82 species.
The Bruce Birding Club’s bimonthly trip sightings will be posted here. If you wish to have a copy of today’s sightings and where the birds were seen, please make your request known at the following email address. You can also be put on a mailing list to receive these twice monthly birding reports or if you wish to make some website comments, please contact