Plover Lovers – Beach Talk – Sauble Beach Speaker Series 2018

The Plover Lovers Beach Talks are underway for 2018. Happening every Wednesday, you can find more information at the Plover Lovers website. The remaining scheduled speakers are:

June 27, A Natural History of Bruce County Shorelines: Ancient to Present, Peter Middleton.

July 4, Phragmites australis, Janice M. Gilbert, Ph.D.

July 11, Plovers in South Africa, Andrea Gress.

July 18, “Who’s calling in my yard?” A short guide to identifying the frogs in your backyard, Hayley Roberts, M.Sc.

July 25, Lyme disease: what is happening in Ontario?, Andrew S. Peregrine, BVMS, PhD, DVM, DipEVPC, DipACVM.

Be sure to visit the Plover Lovers for more information, directions, and any changes.