Presented and Hosted by the Owen Sound Field Naturalists
Do you know what kind of snake this is and how to tell? Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
The presenters will engage the audience by discussing all of the snake, lizard and turtle species found in your area, covering topics like how to identify them, where they live, what they eat, why they’re in trouble and how we can help. The species covers many of the reptile species you can find in Ontario including Gartersnake, Ribbonsnake, Watersnake, Milksnake, Five Lined Skink, Snapping Turtle, Blanding’s Turtle and the Spotted Turtle. A slideshow presentation in included for this program. This two and a half hour program will include time at the end for questions and opportunities for hands-on participation.
It is recommended that you park and enter at the back (north side) of the school, off Tenth Street West.
If you do park and enter at the front (south side) of the school you will be keeping left and walking through most of the building, to get to Bailey Hall.
Doors will be opened at 5:30, and the slideshow portion will begin at 6PM, (or very shortly after), to give enough time to cover the material and to give some hands-on experiences.
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