OSFN Celebrates 30 Years

On Thursday January 10, 2019, Owen Sound Mayor Ian Boddy presented this Certificate of Recognition to Club President Gordon Toth, at the regular Indoor Meeting of the Owen Sound Field Naturalists in the Library Auditorium.


President Toth got a strong showing of hands when he asked the audience how many were there 30 years before, on Thursday January 5th, 1989, when President Lorraine Brown presided over the Inaugural Indoor Meeting of the Club. That first meeting featured a presentation by Doug Larson, who returned at the 20 year mark of the club, and will be here once more to help Celebrate Earth Day this Spring. During the fall months of 1988, an initial gathering, chaired by Andrew Armitage at the Library, took place to gauge the level of interest in forming a Naturalist Club. With the endorsement of those present, the creation of the club took place – planning, programming and organizing, with help and guidance from members of the already established Saugeen Field Naturalists.

OSFN President Gord Toth and Owen Sound Mayor Ian Boddy (photo by B. Robin)
OSFN President Gord Toth and Owen Sound Mayor Ian Boddy (phot by B. Robin)